
Tips And Tricks For Making A Successful Pecha Kucha Talk

This weekend I have my first Pecha Kucha talk and I figured that it would be a good idea to write down my thoughts and suggestions on how to prepare better and also deliver a good talk in this format. Just to remind you, a Pecha Kucha talk is a format for giving a presentation where you have 20 slides, each slide is presented on screen for 20 seconds, slides change without your control, as a result whole talk takes 6 minutes 40 seconds.


When you want to use a domain name with dynamic IP address, very often you’ll either have to use one of paid or free providers like,, etc… But it turns out that most of DNS providers offer dynamic DNS solution, in many cases it’s not very widely advertised. I use OVH for my domains, and after some time spend looking around, it turns out that they also support dynamic DNS.